Web Design

Beautiful websites that are easy to use, easy to navigate, and engage audiences.

Simply Beautiful

Designing and developing beautiful websites is our first love! Each website is unique and is built on a foundation that scales to grow with your business. Our website are at the forefront of digital innovation. We design every website with usability in mind to ensure excellent customer experiences.

Growth Driven

Our websites are built to grow your brand. Your website is your brands digital hub. We change and modify existing content based on how your customers react. Your website will always stay fresh and up to the latest modern standards. Experience consistent growth like never before.

Mobile First

We have designed, developed and built a number of mobile sites that are specifically designed for mobile users. At Mantera, we go one step further than simply having a ‘mobile-friendly’ website, ensuring that its structure highlights the information that is most important for on-the-go visitors.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the best way to achieve the best organic placement in the largest search engines such at Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It’s the perfect long-term strategy to maximise ROI from your online presence. Compliment your SEO with some Pay Per Click campaigns and your brand will be set.


Mantera has over a decade of experience launching brands into the eCommerce space at full force. Our team specializes in working with WooCommerce, Shopify Plus, and Magento to get you activated and growing – fast. We have the expertise, knowledge and experience to deliver. Every Time.

Managed Marketing

For almost two decades our team has been building impacting brands and backing them for maximum growth. We go above and beyond to add value to our clients. Experience brand growth like never before.


  • Managed Website + SEO
  • Brand Direction
  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Social Media Management
  • & much more!
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