Experienced Divi Designer

We’re always looking for the best and brightest. Email your resume to info@manteramedia.com.

Our agency.

Mantera is a brand growth agency and has been at the helm of the digital innovation forefront since 2008. For almost two decades we’ve been building brands while cultivating a culture that makes Mantera one of the best places to work. We recognize that our people and the culture we create are paramount to our success.

We are a team of fun, fearless, collaborative, and values-driven problem-solvers with one goal in mind, driving meaningful outcomes for our clients.

The job.

We are looking for an seasoned divi designer to join our creative team. Our ideal candidate is creative, dedicated, and career-minded that’s interested in growth opportunities. If you have talent and are looking for a company with a great culture, we’d love to hear from you.

You will work with a project manager to update and edit websites for clients in various industries. The ability to code and understand digital languages is a definite plus.


  • Work in tandem with client managers.
  • Update client websites as needed.
  • Ability to follow strict brand guidelines.


  • Strong design + development experience in Divi.
  • HTML / coding experience.
  • Passion for clear communication.
  • Attention to detail
  • Highly organized
  • Strong written/verbal communication.

Apply Here

We look forward to hearing from you. Please complete the application below and we will be in touch.

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